Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Enter a church for mass

As I said earlier I wanted to take a closer look at the mass so I could really appreciate it.  I want to look at each and every little thing so I can fully participate in and understand the mass.  So that's what I'm going to try to do.  I was going to start with the introductory rites but I think I will start even before with simply entering the church.

Entering a church for mass should not be like entering the grocery store or your apartment.  You are entering into a sacred space, a space where miracles happen.  We need to show this respect while we enter not just by turning off your cell phone and not having outside conversations with the person sitting next to you but also by clearing your head, not thinking about what you are going to have for lunch or about something that you want to remember to tell the person sitting across the aisle from you.  This is very hard for me to do.  I have to remember that I am at mass for one purpose and that is God and that needs to be my only focus.

When we enter the church the first thing that we do is we make the sign of the cross with holy water.  This is done to remind us of our baptism and to remind us of Christ's crucifixion.  This simple action should have special significance to us as Catholics.  We should remember that we are children of God's through baptism and we are entering into our Father's house.  We should also remember the great sacrifice that our Father made for us in his crucifixion so we could live with him in the Eucharist.

We then take our seats and take a few minutes before mass to say a prayer.  I use this time to pray that I can fully participate in the mass and don't let this opportunity pass.  The mass is such an amazing gift that we have and I don't want to spend it day dreaming about my afternoon as it is so easy to do.

Dear Lord, Help me to always enter your home with love and reverence.