Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Genesis 1:31

Genesis 1:31
God looked at everything he had made, and he found it very good. Evening came, and morning followed- the sixth day.

God finished his wonderful creation, he stood back and looked at it and decided that it was good. This reminds me of an artist finishing a painting and finally taking it all in and realizing how pleased they are with what they created. What God created really was good. The Earth was good, the plants were good, the animals were good and we (the humans) were good. And still are good. Sometimes it is easy to look around and forget that. We can see all of the hate, destruction and suffering that surrounds us and forget how beautiful God's creation really is. Although Earth is not heaven, it is still created by God and is still filled with His beauty. If is our job to recognize this beauty and preserve it for others.

Dear Lord, help to to see the beauty in the world around me and in the people that I meet and help me to create beauty for others to see.