Friday, November 4, 2011

Psalm 34- Reminds me of Elementary School

I haven't even read this psalm yet but already it reminds me of my idea of writing poetry in elementary school.  When I read the footnotes for psalm 34 this is what I read: 

"A thanksgiving in acrostic form, each line beginning with a successive letter of the Hebrew alphabet."

This psalm was written in the same style that I became so familiar with in elementary school.  For example in preparation for Thanksgiving we may write the word thanksgiving down the side of our paper.  Then we had to come up with something that we were thankful for that begins with each letter of the word thanksgiving.  This is the same thing that the writer of the psalm is doing except they used the entire alphabet (maybe my teacher thought that would be too much for us).

And I always thought acrostic poems was something that the teachers made up so we could write 'poetry' without having to worry about rhyming, syllables or meter.

I found this interesting so I just thought I would share it.