I'm joining in with Shanda at A Pause on the Path for her blog hop highlighting everyone's best blogs of 2011. I choose to repost the following post because it has not only been my most viewed post but I feel that has had a significant impact on my actions, my thoughts, and on my writing and studying this year.
Conserve, love, understand, be taught
the end, we will conserve only what we love, we will love only what we
understand, and we will understand only what we are taught."
This was said by Baba Dioum about environmental conservation issues.
is one of my favorite quotes for environmental education and
conservation but I also see it as true in other parts of my life as
well. I have been reading about the American Catholic identity and the
decrease in mass attendance of Catholics on
Fr. John Zuhlsdorf's blog and
Fr. Longenecker's blog.
There is a huge amount of Catholics who do not attend mass each
Sunday. What should be done about this? I do my best to attend mass
each Sunday and try to attend daily mass when I can but sometimes I feel
like I am just sitting in the pew, following along with the actions and
just waiting for mass to be over. I am physically at mass but my mind
is somewhere else.
do I do this? Because I don't understand the mass. How can we expect
people to take time out of their busy lives to go to the church and sit
in the pew every Sunday morning when they don't really understand what
is going on around them or why they need to be there? In order to
increase mass attendance and more importantly mass participation we need
to teach people about the mass.
the end, we will conserve only what we love, we will love only what we
understand, and we will understand only what we are taught."
can not conserve and increase participation in the mass until we love
the mass. Mass should not be something that you have to do because you
are Catholic but something that you love because of what it is. In
order to love the mass we need to understand what is happening at the
mass, both the big event and small prayers and actions of the priest and
the congregation. But we can not understand the mass until someone
teaches us about the mass. This is where we need to start.
in mass I tried to really focus on every thing that the priest said and
not let my mind wonder. I realized how much I don't know and
understand about the mass. The more I know and understand about the
mass the more I can love it and be an active participant in Sunday and
daily mass. So now it is my goal over the next few weeks to take a
closer look at the mass, really learn what is going on and share that
information here and with others.