Sunday, October 30, 2011

The light shines through

Saints are people who the light shines through

My deacon started his homily today with a story of a little boy who loved looking at the stained glass windows in his church.  When he was asked if he knew what a saint was he replied "saints are people who the light shines through."
This made me think.  We may be filled with the light and the love of the Lord but if that light does not shine out we are not truly living as Christ.  We are not only called to be filled with the light but to then share it with others.  This light has to shine out of us in all that we do.  We are called to do everything with the love and truth of Christ.  People simply observing our actions should be able to see the love and the light of Christ shinning through us.  

How can we live our lives so that the light shines through us?  

Dear Lord, Help me to live in such a way that your light shines through me to those who I come into contact with.