Friday, July 27, 2012

Quick Takes #3 Reading a great book

reading man with glasses by nlyl - A simple picture of a man with glasses reading an orange book.

Here is the other side of last weeks quick takes.  Last week I listed signs that you do not like the book you are trying to read.  After another trip to the library I can bring you a list of signs that you are reading a book that you love.  Happy Reading!

--- 1 ---
  You read the first chapter before you even leave the library.

--- 2 ---
You always read before bed and often end up being awake hours later than you planned on going to sleep.

--- 3 ---
You have the book with you every time you leave the house.  You never know, you might get stuck in traffic, there might be a line at the grocery store or there might be a really long red light.

--- 4 ---
You find yourself thinking about the book all the time.  You just can't get it out of your head so you might as well read it.
staring at a book by johnny_automatic - a cartoon from Drawn at a Venture by Fougasse (1922)

--- 5 ---
You tell everyone you meet about the great book you are reading.  You also show it to them because you are always carrying it around.  (See number 3)

--- 6 ---
 You arrive at doctor appointments 30 minutes early just so you will have time to read in the waiting room.  You are then disappointed when the doctor is ready for you early. 

--- 7 ---
 You have not posted all week because every spare minute was spent reading.

For more Quick Takes, visit Conversion Diary!

Monday, July 23, 2012


Just another reminder about making the Lord a priority.  

Today was going to be a busy day.  I had a lot of things to do at home, laundry to do, had some shopping that I had to do, wanted to go to the gym and had some phone calls to make.  The phone calls were what I was dreading.  Well really one of the phone calls.  I needed some information from someone.  I needed this information before I could make all the other phone calls.  She was supposed to have gotten me this information by Friday.  But it was Monday and I still didn't have it.  I needed to call her.  I really didn't want to call her.  I figured I would wait until the afternoon and hope that she called before then.

Washing machine - white stroke by liftarn - Converted to SVG from clipart on �PC f�r alla� CD 3-2003.
Photo Source
The morning was quite productive.  I was putting on my shoes to take the laundry downstairs I realized that it was 11:45am.  I had just enough time to put the laundry in the washer and get to daily mass downtown and be back to put the laundry in the dryer.  I wasn't planning on going to daily mass today but the timing worked out perfectly.  But I still had so much to do.  And I still had those phone calls to make.  But the timing was perfect.  So I put the laundry in the washer and jumped in the car to go to mass.  As I walked across the parking lot I silenced my phone as I always do. 

phone, cell
Photo Source
Daily mass was amazing as it always is.  As I parked my car back home I realized that I had not turned my phone back on.  I quickly looked at it and noticed that I had not received the phone call that I was waiting for.  Oh well I guess I was going to have to call her.  I hoped that she had the information that I needed because if she didn't I was going to have a lot more work to do.  Did I mention that I hate calling people on the phone.  I put the laundry in the dryer and walked up stairs.  I looked around for the piece of paper that had her phone number.  As I pulled it out my phone I noticed that it was silently ringing (because I had not turned the ringer back on yet).  I recognized the number, it was the same number that was on the paper that I was holding.  Finally she was calling!  I was so relieved!  Did I mention that I don't like calling people.

I was just as productive throughout the rest of the day.  Got my work done at home, went to the gym, bought the perfect gift, did not get too overwhelmed by the mall and even had time to write this post.

Once again when I put my work, my worries and my fears aside and spent time with the Lord my work, my worries and my fears were made less.

It is at times like these that I remember what a good friend of mine used to say:

"Make time for God, he will make time for everything else."
Dear Lord, Help me to make you a priority.
Have you ever had a similar experience?
Joining in with Jen and the other beautiful women.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Love Like God

Last weekend I was out of town for a wedding.  I got up early Sunday morning after a very later night and found my way to the local Catholic church.  I walked in a few minutes late (as a result of a few wrong turns) and was overtaken by the beauty of the inside of this church building.  But I will write about that later.

Picture Source
Last week they had a visiting missionary priest.  He spoke of his work and the work of his community during the homily.  He was an amazing speaker.  He gave a clear picture of the work that was being done, why it was being done and what the bigger picture was.  When he was done speaking he asked for donations to help support their work.  By this time I was so moved by the stories that he told and the work that was being done that I was more than willing to give a generous donation.

This morning I was back at my parish and we also had a guest priest speaking about his missionary work.  He was not an amazing speaker, he even seemed a little rude at times.  I was not quite sure what work his community did or why he needed our support.  Again when he was done he asked for donations to support the work of his community.  I did not feel quite as generous this time.  I told myself that I already gave last week so I didn't have to give again this week.  I just didn't feel like giving him my money.  

Just after this during the presentation of the gift three words from the song echoed in my head.

Love Like God

Now I can't even remember what song it was or any of the other lyrics.  But these words stayed with me.  

Love Like God

God does not love someone just because they are a powerful speaker.  God does not take his love away from us just because we made a rude remark.  God does not base his love for us on how well we can communicate a point.  God does not love us more when we sound really good.  

If God doesn't why do I?  Why do I decide that the people helped by this priest are not worth my support when the people helped by the priest last week are?  Why am I more generous to the person who sounded better?  Why?

God does not love us for our worth.  His love does not lessen when we do something wrong.  His love is not based on how we look or sound.  He just loves us.

This is how we should love.

Dear Lord, Help me to love all those who I come into contact with this week in the same way that you would love them