Friday, July 6, 2012

Quick Takes #1

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Well this is my first quick takes.  I have enjoyed reading several each Friday so I thought I would try for myself.  So here it goes.

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It is hot.  Not only is it hot but it doesn't seem like it will cool down anytime soon.  Living in an old brick building with no air conditioning I am not sure where it is hotter, out in the sun or in my brick oven of an apartment.  

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Again on the heat.  I was speaking to my Grandmother and mentioned that the only time that I am really cool is in my car with the AC on.  She agreed with me.  Then she told me that she couldn't remember what people did when they didn't have air conditioning in their car.  I find those first few minutes when you get into the car before the air conditioning gets started are almost unbearable in this heat.  It is interesting to think that something that we have come to expect once was a novelty.  Something that we feel we can't live without was once something that everyone lived without.  Sometimes I feel I am way to spoiled. 

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Yesterday marked our farthest distance from the sun all year.  In this heat, I can't believe it.  So many people believe that it is hotter in the summer because we are closer to the sun.  This is not true!  This is such a hard concept for my students to understand.  You can read more about this here on Discovery News.  I wish I could show this to all my students as well.

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I just love the library.  Sometimes I think I get more joy out of going to the library than actually reading the books that I check out.  I could spend hours there just looking through the books.  Pulling out titles that look interesting, reading the back cover, maybe reading a couple pages, looking at the pictures and then putting them back on the shelf.  Often times they are not books that I would read but they are still interesting to look at.  Eventually I will choose a couple books that I think I might like to read and I will check them out and bring them home.  Then I might actually read it, or maybe not?  But I guess that alright.  I still got to enjoy going to the library.

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Today is the feast day of St. Maria Goretti.  She is an amazing saint.  She died as a result of an attack and rape.  As she was dying she was able to forgive her attacker.  And this all happened when she was 12 years old.  It is truly amazing that such a young girl was able to act in such a way.  When she was canonized in 1950 her attacker was there.  Her ability to forgive is truly amazing and provides us with some inspiration.

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Well I guess now I have officially finished my first quick takes.  Hope you enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed writing it.  I guess I'll try it again next week.  Have a great weekend.
For more Quick Takes, visit Conversion Diary!