Monday, July 2, 2012

Back to Blogging?

So I haven't been posting a lot recently.  I don't really know why but I miss it.  So I'm going to try again to get back into it.

I have been trying lately to live deliberately.  Not to waste hours of my day doing 'nothing'.  I am enjoying summer vacation now.  Now I have the time that I wished for all year long to do everything that I wanted to do then but didn't have the time (read, write, exercise, knit, spend time with friends).  But sometimes I feel like I'm not doing anything or I don't like the free time.  I think I am just getting used to having time and not knowing what to do with it.  For example, during the school year I have to put aside time to pray, now I have all day to pray but often I never get to it.  

So I am trying to live more deliberately.  Today I probably spent 2 hours reading a book for fun, something that I have not done in a long time and I really enjoyed it.  Let see how tomorrow goes?

Back to blogging.  That is one of the other things that I am going to try to get back into this summer.  I have still been reading many blogs but I haven't been writing much lately.  I feel like I am having a hard time coming up with topics.  I really enjoy reading series of articles.  I have been reading The Honeymoon Series by Kate at Real Catholic Love and Sex.  (Check it out, its worth the read for all Christina women.)  So I thought I should work on finishing by series (if you could call it that) on The Our Father.  It has been something that I have been thinking about recently as I have been praying for His will to be done.  I have been praying about it, writing about it and reading about it so it seems like a good place to start back blogging.

So for tomorrow (hopefully) , The Our Father- on earth as it is in Heaven!