Monday, July 9, 2012

I wish I could be there.

The events and travels of the weekend are over.  We are back home now.  Everything is quiet and peaceful here.  But it is not that way everywhere.  As I sit typing on my porch this evening I can hear the hum of neighbors air conditioner units and a basketball game down the street but everything is quiet here.  Here it is peaceful.  But it is not that way everywhere.  Earlier this afternoon I had a very long Skype conversation with my younger siblings and an equally long phone conversation with my parents.  Things are not quite as peaceful there.  There are struggles and there are hard times.  I wish I could be there.  I wish I could do something.  I wish I could help out in some way.  But I am not there.  I am here on this quiet peaceful porch many many miles away.  I feel so helpless, so apart, so guilty.

What can I do?

I really don't know? 

Well, I can give what I have.  I can talk to them, listen to them, even video chat with them.  And I can pray.  Even if I can't be with them I can pray for them.  Even when I am many many miles away I can pray for them.  Even when I do not have any Earthly solution to their problem, I can pray.  Even when it seems hopeless we have faith and we pray to the Lord and we know he hears our prayers and we know that he has a plan for us.  

"Whatever you ask for in prayer with faith, you will receive."  Matthew 21:22

"For I know well the plans I have in mind for you, says the Lord, plans for your welfare, not for woe! plans to give you a future full of hope."  Jeremiah 29:11

Dear Lord, I ask you to watch over those who are struggling tonight and be their comfort and their peace.

Joining in with Jen and the beautiful women of Soli Deo Gloria.

Also linking up with On Your Heart Tuesdays because this is something that is truly on my heart right now.